Clark County EOP Basic Plan 4. Roles and Responsibilities  Serving as day-to-day liaison to NDEM.  Maintaining liaison with organized emergency volunteer groups and private agencies. County Department Heads Department and agency heads collaborate with the Policy Group during development of local emergency plans and provide key response resources. County department and agency heads and their staffs develop, plan, and train to learn internal policies and procedures for meeting response and recovery needs safely. They also make staff available to participate in interagency training and exercises to develop and maintain the necessary capabilities, as well as clearly reinforce preparedness expectations. Department and agency heads not assigned a specific function in this plan will be prepared to make their resources available for emergency duty at the direction of the County Manager. 4.2.2 Responsibilities of All Departments Individual departments are an integral part of the emergency organization. While some departments’ staff comprises emergency response personnel, the majority of County departments focus on supporting emergency response personnel and/or the continuity of services they provide to the public. All County departments are responsible for:  Supporting MACC operations to ensure that the County is providing for the safety and protection of the citizens they serve.  Establishing, in writing, an ongoing line of succession and/or delegation of authority for each department; this document must be made known to department employees, and a copy must be filed with the County Manager.  Developing alert and notification procedures for department personnel.  Developing guidelines to implement assigned duties specified by this plan.  Tracking incident-related costs incurred by the department, in coordination with the MACC Finance Section, if activated, and submitting expenditure reports in accordance with financial management practices. Incident-related costs may occur during response or recovery phases and may include personnel overtime, equipment used/expended, and contracts initiated.  Ensuring that vehicles and other equipment are equipped and ready, in accordance with SOPs.  Notifying the Emergency Manager of resource shortfalls.  Identifying essential functions and developing procedures for maintaining and/or reestablishing services provided to the public and other County departments.  Assigning personnel to the MACC, as charged by this plan.  Developing and implementing procedures for protecting vital records, materials, and facilities.  Promoting family preparedness among employees. 4-4

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