The members of this department are, by far, its greatest Personnel dedicated to locating available grant asset. However, department members cannot provide prospects could provide support to programs for the service levels expected by the community without training or expanded services for members of the adequate equipment and facilities. The cost of fire and department or the community. State and federal EMS equipment has increased rapidly over the past few funding options will be investigated to leverage all years due to inventory and supply chain issues. The cost available alternatives. of building and maintaining facilities has also increased Utilizing National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) rapidly for many of the same issues, with the added matter of staffing shortages in construction trades. standards, manufacturer’s recommendations, and the extensive experience of CCFD logistics personnel, Understanding the needs of the community is paramount improvements are being instituted in the maintenance as we plan for new fire stations. Building these stations and repair of capital items. The goal is to extend the may present an opportunity to provide a community life of equipment while limiting firefighter exposure room or co-location with EMS/private ambulance or law to fire ground contaminants and blood borne or enforcement creating efficiencies for both agencies. airborne pathogens increasing safety for personnel As the community continues to grow and calls for service and the community. increase, existing resources are continually stretched. The department will also research the newest Seeking additional funding opportunities, such as grants, technology to dispatch the closest, most-appropriate fee increases, and other available revenue sources, must apparatus to an incident to improve firefighting be a priority. capabilities, while enhancing firefighter safety. .

CCFD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 - Page 30 CCFD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Page 29 Page 31