2023 BY THE NUMBERS Southern Nevada Valley (SNV) Division Chiefs already harness each other’s experience and expertise by meeting on a regular basis to discuss a unified 146,626 approach to education and training throughout Southern Nevada. This collaboration allows our departments to stay abreast of the changes, deficiencies, and TOTAL CALLS opportunities that our crews will be exposed to on calls. Identifying ways to share training curriculums, resources, and ideas, will help CCFD and Southern Nevada 114,011 continue to conquer the next big challenge it may face. EMS CALLS CCFD recognizes the biggest challenge Operations faces is the continual increase in call volume and special events and the increase demand for fire stations and units 5,594 with a stagnating work force. In addition to adding a recruitment Chief, CCFD is FIRE CALLS committed to employ the use of data to trend, inform and aide in decision making on response models and unit deployment. In addition, we are reviewing our current career structure, as since COVID it does not support our departments vacancies or 27,021 growth. Prioritizing the importance of achieving paramedic certification amongst ALL OTHER CALLS our firefighters is our best path to growing the EMS division. CCFD will furnish the cost and time spent by our firefighters to achieve our goal of 50% Paramedics. SNV only has one paramedic school that is structured to support on duty education. CCFD will find a hybrid Paramedic school to host our own school that is conducive to our firefighter’s schedule. CCFD has an opportunity to garner interest in Emergency Medical Services by working with the County, Private Ambulance and Educational institutions to develop a career path early for graduating high school and college students within the Southern Nevada Valley. Focusing on these opportunities are vital to support CCFD in future years to come.

CCFD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 - Page 41 CCFD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Page 40 Page 42