DEPARTMENT PRIORITIES AND GOALS This strategic plan update builds from previous planning efforts and incorporates significant input from both department leaders and staff. The plan is intended to be implemented over the next five years, with annual progress reviews and Priority 1: Focus on and Increase Employee Wellness updates. Progress will be measured using agreed-upon performance measures and Priority 2: Improve Processes for Recruitment, Training, and periodic employee surveys to ensure Retention accountability. This plan provides a blueprint for future success, with an understanding that a Priority 3: Increase Capital Improvements/Funding Sources degree of flexibility is needed to accommodate changing economic, regulatory, and policy conditions that may change over time. Priority 4: Increase Community Engagement/Education in Based on the employee survey results, facilitated Emergency Preparedness and Fire Prevention interviews and meetings with CCFD leadership Priority 5: Expand Best Practices and Implement Improvements to and staff, and meetings with county leadership, Fire and EMS Operations, Fire Prevention, and Investigations these are the top five priorities for the next 5 years:

CCFD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 - Page 17 CCFD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Page 16 Page 18